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Ore Annotation

Within one and a half weeks, our team managed to complete the entire ore annotation cycle and annotate 300 images

Industry and use case:

Mining, Ore Annotation


300 ore images

Project duration:

1.5 weeks

Our Challenge:

The team faced a unique challenge of real-time granulometry and oversized ore identification on a conveyor belt. To train a mathematical model for rock crushing, annotated ore images were required. This specific need led the company to seek assistance

At first, our client worked with other partners, but then a problem arose: they had to conduct validation independently, which consumed a lot of resources and time. Maintaining an in-house annotation team was also inefficient

In search of a new provider, the company prioritized high-quality annotation, validation availability, cost-effectiveness, and expertise in the field, where annotation should be a primary service. After market analysis, the client began working with Training Data

Work Stages:

  • Providing specifications
  • Pilot phase
  • Approval
  • Iterative adjustments

Our Solution:

The unique aspect of the project involved all shoots being conducted on-site. Approximately two days were allocated for data collection, followed by editing. Only a week was available for annotation to test the model on-site. To meet this tight schedule, 13 assessors worked on the project

The team encountered immediate challenges: due to numerous polygons in frames, CVAT (Computer Vision Annotation Tool) operated too slowly. To expedite the task, the decision was made to split the image into 4 parts and annotate each separately. Then, the technical department merged annotations into the original image, and assessors performed a second round of annotation at the joints of the split images


  • The entire work cycle was completed in 1.5 weeks, accelerating project progress
  • The need for validation and annotation management resources was eliminated
“We chose to work with Training Data because the company met all our requirements. Collaborating allowed us to completely offload annotation management, saving the company time and resources. The availability of a pilot version was also advantageous. Our expectations were fully met, and we plan to continue our collaboration with Training Data
Head of Development

Stages of work

  • Application

    Leave a request on the website for a free consultation with an expert. Th e acco unt manager will guide you on the services, timelines, and price
  • Free pilot

    We will conduct a test pilot project for you and provide a golden set, based on which we will determine the final technical requirements and approve project metrics
  • Agreement

    We prepare a contract and all necessary documentation upon the request of your accountants and lawyers
  • Workflow customization

    We form a pool of suitable tools and assign an experienced manager who will be in touch with you regarding all project details
  • Quality control

    Data uploads for verification are done iteratively, allowing your team to review and approve collected/annotated data
  • Post-payment

    You pay for the work after receiving the data in agreed quality and quantity


  • 24 hours
  • 24 hours
  • 1 to 3 days
  • 1 to 5 days
    Conducting a pilot
  • 1 day to several years
    Carrying out work on the project
  • 1 to 5 days
    Quality control
You pay for the work after you have received the data
in the established quality and quantity

Training Data

  • Quality Assurance:
  • Enhanced Data Accuracy
  • Consistency in Labels
  • Reliable Ground Truth
  • Mitigation of Annotation Biases
  • Cost and Time Efficiency
  • Data Security and Confidentiality:
  • GDPR Compliance
  • Non-disclosure agreement
  • Data Encryption
  • Multiple data storage options
  • Access Controls and Authentication
  • Expert Team:
  • 6 years in industry
  • 35 top project managers
  • 40+ languages
  • 100+ countries
  • 250k+ assessors
  • Flexible and Scalable Solutions:
  • 24/7 availability of customer service
  • 100% post payment
  • $550 minimum check
  • Variable Workload
  • Customized Solutions

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    • Data labeling

    • Data collection

    • Datasets

    • Human Moderation

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