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TrainingData offers 3D annotation services, providing precise labeling and tagging of three-dimensional (3D) data to enhance object recognition, spatial understanding, and augmented reality (AR) applications for various industries and use cases.

What is 3D Annotation?

3D annotation in data training services involves the process of accurately labeling and tagging three-dimensional (3D) data, such as point clouds, meshes, or volumetric images, to facilitate object recognition, spatial understanding, and modeling tasks. This annotation process enables training AI models to perceive and interact with 3D environments, supporting applications in augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), autonomous navigation, and more.

Computer Vision

Point Cloud Segmentation

Includes categorizing individual points within a 3D point cloud into meaningful segments corresponding to different objects or surfaces. Annotations help identify objects such as buildings, vehicles, vegetation, and terrain features, enabling precise object detection and spatial understanding.

Object Detection and Localization

Entails labeling specific objects within a 3D scene, such as vehicles, pedestrians, furniture, and appliances. Annotations provide bounding boxes or polygons around detected objects, facilitating accurate object detection and localization for applications like robotics and AR/VR.

Mesh Annotation

Involves labeling objects represented as 3D meshes, such as furniture, buildings, and machinery parts. Annotations provide semantic labels, material properties, and geometric information for each mesh element, enabling virtual object manipulation and scene reconstruction.

Volumetric Annotation

Entails labeling volumetric data, such as medical imaging scans or geological models, with semantic labels and regions of interest. Annotations aid in identifying anatomical structures, geological formations, and abnormalities, supporting medical diagnosis, resource exploration, and scientific research.

Scene Understanding and Semantic Segmentation

Describes labeling entire 3D scenes or regions with semantic labels, such as indoor environments, outdoor landscapes, or urban streetscapes. Annotations enable understanding the semantic context of the environment and supporting applications like autonomous navigation and urban planning.

Instance Segmentation

Identifies and delineates individual instances of objects within a 3D scene, such as cars in a parking lot or pedestrians on a sidewalk. Annotations provide unique identifiers for each object instance, facilitating instance-level analysis and tracking.

Pose Estimation and Pose Annotation

Involves labeling the spatial orientation and position of objects within a 3D scene, such as human poses in motion capture data or robotic arm configurations. Annotations enable understanding object poses and movements, supporting applications like animation, robotics, and biomechanical analysis.

Depth Estimation and Depth Map Annotation

Includes estimating the depth or distance of objects from a 3D sensor and annotating depth maps with depth values. Annotations aid in depth perception and spatial understanding, supporting applications like depth-based rendering, 3D reconstruction, and augmented reality.

Semantic Mapping and Localization

Describes creating semantic maps of indoor or outdoor environments, annotated with landmarks, obstacles, and navigable paths. Annotations enable precise localization and navigation for autonomous robots, drones, and augmented reality devices.

Dynamic Scene Annotation

Includes labeling moving objects and temporal events within a 3D scene, such as traffic flow, pedestrian movement, or environmental changes. Annotations support dynamic scene understanding and prediction for applications like traffic management, surveillance, and crowd analysis.

How we Deliver 3D Annotation Projects

At TrainingData, we are dedicated to delivering 3D Annotation Projects with precision, efficiency, and client satisfaction as our top priorities. Our process encompasses several key stages, each meticulously designed to ensure accuracy, quality, and timely delivery.

Consultation and Requirements Gathering

/ 01
We initiate the process by engaging in thorough consultations with you to understand your project objectives, specific 3D annotation tasks, and desired outcomes. This phase allows us to tailor our approach to meet your unique needs and requirements.

Data Collection and Preparation

/ 02
With the project scope defined, we collect the necessary 3D data, which may include point clouds, meshes, volumetric images, or other 3D representations. We preprocess the data as needed, ensuring optimal quality and compatibility for annotation.

Annotation Methodology Selection

/ 03
Based on the insights gathered during the consultation phase, we select the most appropriate annotation methodologies and tools for your 3D data annotation tasks. Our experienced team evaluates factors such as data complexity, annotation requirements, and industry standards to determine the optimal approach.

Annotation Execution

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Our skilled annotators then meticulously execute the 3D annotation tasks according to the predefined guidelines and criteria. Annotations are performed with attention to detail to ensure accurate labeling and tagging of objects, surfaces, and spatial relationships within the 3D data.

Quality Control and Assurance

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Quality is paramount to us. Before finalizing anything, we subject the annotated 3D data to rigorous quality control checks. This involves manual inspections and automated validation tools to identify and rectify any errors or inconsistencies.

Validation and Review

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Once the annotation phase is complete, we conduct thorough validation and review processes. Our experts review the annotated 3D data to ensure it meets your specific requirements and aligns with the nuances of your domain. Any discrepancies or issues are promptly addressed.

Delivery and Formatting

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With everything validated and approved, we prepare the annotated 3D data exactly how you need it. Whether it's formatting for compatibility with your 3D modeling software or delivering in a specific file format, we ensure it's ready to integrate seamlessly into your workflow.

Client Feedback and Iteration

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Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal. We welcome your feedback on the delivered annotated 3D data and are more than happy to make any necessary adjustments based on your input. Our aim is to ensure the final product exceeds your expectations.

Post-Delivery Support

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Our support doesn't end with delivery. If you have any questions or need further assistance down the line, we're here for you. Consider us your ongoing partner in leveraging annotated 3D data for your AI and machine learning initiatives.

3D Annotation Use Cases

Autonomous Vehicles and Robotics

In the automotive and robotics industries, 3D annotation data is used for perception systems, enabling autonomous vehicles and robots to understand and navigate complex environments. Annotations aid in object detection, localization, and path planning, ensuring safe and efficient operations.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

In AR/VR applications, 3D data is employed for virtual object interaction and scene understanding. Annotations enable accurate object placement, occlusion handling, and spatial mapping, enhancing immersive experiences and user interactions.

Medical Imaging and Healthcare

In medical imaging and healthcare, annotated data is used for diagnostic imaging, surgical planning, and patient monitoring. Annotations aid in identifying anatomical structures, tumors, and abnormalities from volumetric scans, supporting accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

Geospatial Mapping and Urban Planning

In geospatial mapping and urban planning, this service is applied for creating digital terrain models, city models, and infrastructure inventories. Annotations facilitate identifying buildings, roads, vegetation, and other features, supporting urban development projects and disaster management.

Manufacturing and Industrial Design

In manufacturing and industrial design, 3D annotation data is utilized for product modeling, quality inspection, and assembly planning. Annotations aid in annotating product components, defects, and assembly instructions, ensuring manufacturing efficiency and product quality.

Architectural Visualization and Construction

In architecture and construction, 3D data is employed for building information modeling (BIM), construction planning, and project visualization. Annotations enable annotating building elements, materials, and construction stages, supporting collaborative design and project management.

Gaming and Entertainment

In the gaming and entertainment industry, annotation services are used for character animation, environment modeling, and game development. Annotations aid in annotating game assets, character movements, and interactive elements, enhancing gameplay experiences and visual effects.

Environmental Monitoring and Conservation

In environmental monitoring and conservation, this data is applied for habitat mapping, species tracking, and ecosystem analysis. Annotations facilitate identifying terrain features, vegetation types, and wildlife habitats, supporting biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management.

Aerospace and Defense

In aerospace and defense, 3D annotation data is utilized for aircraft modeling, mission planning, and situational awareness. Annotations aid in annotating aircraft components, terrain features, and target objects, supporting simulation training and tactical decision-making.

Cultural Heritage Preservation

In cultural heritage preservation, labeled data is used for archaeological site documentation, artifact modeling, and virtual museum exhibits. Annotations enable annotating historical artifacts, architectural details, and cultural landmarks, preserving cultural heritage for future generations.

Stages of work

  • Application

    Leave a request on the website for a free consultation with an expert. Th e acco unt manager will guide you on the services, timelines, and price
  • Free pilot

    We will conduct a test pilot project for you and provide a golden set, based on which we will determine the final technical requirements and approve project metrics
  • Agreement

    We prepare a contract and all necessary documentation upon the request of your accountants and lawyers
  • Workflow customization

    We form a pool of suitable tools and assign an experienced manager who will be in touch with you regarding all project details
  • Quality control

    Data uploads for verification are done iteratively, allowing your team to review and approve collected/annotated data
  • Post-payment

    You pay for the work after receiving the data in agreed quality and quantity


  • 24 hours
  • 24 hours
  • 1 to 3 days
  • 1 to 5 days
    Conducting a pilot
  • 1 day to several years
    Carrying out work on the project
  • 1 to 5 days
    Quality control
You pay for the work after you have received the data
in the established quality and quantity

Training Data

  • Quality Assurance:
  • Enhanced Data Accuracy
  • Consistency in Labels
  • Reliable Ground Truth
  • Mitigation of Annotation Biases
  • Cost and Time Efficiency
  • Data Security and Confidentiality:
  • GDPR Compliance
  • Non-disclosure agreement
  • Data Encryption
  • Multiple data storage options
  • Access Controls and Authentication
  • Expert Team:
  • 6 years in industry
  • 35 top project managers
  • 40+ languages
  • 100+ countries
  • 250k+ assessors
  • Flexible and Scalable Solutions:
  • 24/7 availability of customer service
  • 100% post payment
  • $550 minimum check
  • Variable Workload
  • Customized Solutions

Tell us about your project!

    Choose interested services:

    Select an option

    • Data labeling

    • Data collection

    • Datasets

    • Human Moderation

    • Other (describe below)